Monday, September 24, 2007

Bye bye old friend

We are saying goodbye to an old friend this month. Nathan only used his "nookie" for naptime and bedtime and emergencies ( like shot time at the doctor visit) but he grew quite attached to it. His eye's would lite up with excitement at bedtime in anticipation for his lil friend. Unfortunately his pal had an "accident" and lost a fight with a pair of scissors. Luckily the transition has been pretty smooth, but a lil puzzling to him as he wanders around with his "broken" nookie.

Uh Oh!

We put Nathan down for his nap but he had different plans. Since our lil "monkey" boy can climb anything now, it probably wasn't a good idea to leave the powder on top of the changing table. He soon had powder all over the floor and was having a ball!
You can also see he has his nite lite cover (the blue star) in his hand...another "no-no".
Oh, well, at least we all had fun vacuuming up the mess!


At first glance, it appears that Nathan is enjoying a nutritious salad. Unfortunately he scoffs at the lettuce and is just devouring the croutons. He's just a lil dairy guy from Wisconsin.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Beds are so overrated

Well, for some reason the floor seems to suit him just fine. The gate is to keep him from coming out of the room, turning on the tv's and playing with his toys. It comes down before morning so he can wake me up, but he's been sleeping in so late that I have to set my alarm.

Big Boy Bed

Here's Nathan sleeping on his new bed after we converted it from the crib, the first nite. He was really trying to climb out of the crib and we couldn't risk another nite of him in it.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Nathan's busy grabbing rocks and throwing them in the water. Soon after this he decided to run into the water and got all wet. I'm glad I had my shoes off because I got a little wet going after him...and he was right next to me! Just takes 1 second for him to bolt like a bat outta hell!

The plane, the plane

An airplane is flying overhead and circling around. That's the only thing that will grab his attention away from the sand and rocks. A couple people did pull up in their kayaks and Nathan barely gave them a glance.


It was such a beautiful day today. After naptime, Nathan and I headed over to the lake to enjoy the cool breeze. As you can see he really likes playing in the sand.